Configure Jenkins for Quantum tests

Steps to configure Jenkins to kick off a Quantum automation test.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Set up and run your test under an IDE of your choice (Eclipse/IntelliJ)

  2. Open Jenkins and go to the dashboard and click New Item.

  3. Click Maven project. Then enter your project name and click OK.

  4. On the next page, enter your project description.

  5. In the Build Triggers section, select your desired trigger or accept the default setting.

  6. Scroll down the page and go to "Build" section and enter your pom filename and "Goals and options," then click on Advanced... button

  7. Accept the default settings or make changes as you see fit, then click on "Use custom workspace" and enter your top-level Quantum project directory containing the file pom.xml

  8. Click Save and your project is all configured and added to the dashboard.