Perfecto service connection in Azure DevOps (VSTS) projects

Azure DevOps (VSTS) projects that connect to Perfecto to test web or native applications on devices need to define a connection to their Perfecto cloud. The connection is defined as a Service Connection.

To create a Perfecto service connection:

  1. Log into your Azure DevOps account and select your team project. Select Project Settings and then click Service Connections. Azure presents a list of existing service connections.

  2. Use the New Service Connection menu to select to add a new Generic.

  3. In the configuration dialog box, provide the following information to define the service connection:

    • Connection Name: Provide a display name for the endpoint.
    • Service URL: Provide the URL for the Perfecto cloud, usually in the following format: https://<yourCloud>
    • User name: Provide your Perfecto username.
    • Password/Token Key: Provide your Perfecto password OR Perfecto security token .