Export cloud users to an Excel CSV file

The export-users.py python script allows cloud administrators to export a list of users to an Excel CSV file. The script relies on the Public REST API.


  1. Install Python version 2 or 3 on your workstation. For details, see https://docs.python.org/2/faq/windows.html.
  2. Open the export-users.py file in Notepad and do the following:

    1. Add your security token.

    2. Add your cloud name.

    3. Modify include_perfecto_users to True or False.

    4. Modify responseFields, depending on the user fields you want to get. For details, see Legacy | Get User List.

Example run in Command prompt on Windows
C:\Python3\Python.exe export-users.py
Example run in Command prompt on Mac OS
start Terminal
Save the file on Desktop for example
navigate to the file directory: cd Desktop
type: python export-users.py

Upon successful completion, the script will generate a file called users.csv, which can then be opened in Excel.