iOS | Change device language or region

After changing the UI Language or Region of an iOS device, allow some time for the device to administer the change.  The change can take a few minutes. During the change, you may see a black screen saying 'Setting Language'.

While the language change is processing, do not perform a power cycle on the device as this will disconnect the device from the system.

When the language change has been completed and the device shows a zoomed or distorted view, use the "Recover" widget.


English (Canada) is not supported due to Apple limitations.

Alternate solutions

Option #1: Use dedicated devices for specific languages

This option guarantees that if you need to test on specific languages, that you already have devices set in the cloud accordingly. This is the easiest way to test on different languages.

Option #2: Use the Language and Locale option for automation

It is possible to use language and locale testing instead of directly changing the device language. See Test your app for specific language and region settings.