Errors when using execute script and user function

Parameter order is important when using execute script and user functions.

Execute script

When using the executeScript command:

  • Parameters must be entered be in the same order as they appear in the subscript. Otherwise, the script will fail.
  • Parameters in the subscript must be defined as run-time
  • Enter the parameters in the same order as they appear in the subscript. Only the parameters that are runtime are passed to the main script.


    Drag the desired subscript from the MobileCloud repository directly into the main script. The system will insert the script parameters automatically in the right order.

    The parameters in the subscript must be defined as run-time to pass into the main script.

    Only the website variable is defined as runtime and will be passed into the main script.

Use String Encoder (secured string) with execute script command

If a runtime parameter variable in the subscript is defined as:

  • Secured String type, the variable parameter in the main script must be defined as Secured String

  • String type, the parameter variable in the main script can be defined as string or Secured String.

User function

When using a user function, the parameters of the subscripts must be in the exact same order as each other or the script will fail.