Run child scripts in ASync mode

First, when using ASync mode, it is recommended to clear the Allocate device automatically checkbox. In the following example, you can see a parent script followed by selecting a few iOS/Android devices and opening them.

Then there are child scripts for each opened device running in Async mode.

Because in async mode, the main suite (_Parent Script ,where the devices are getting opened) is ended during the run of the sub suites (child scripts) and because the devices were opened on the main suite (_Parent Script), the devices get closed when the parent script ends. This causes the sub suites (child scripts) to fail.

_Parent Script
Select device - iOS
Open device
Select device - iOS
Open device
Select device - Android
Open device
Select device - Android
Open device
_Child Script -1( iOS )
_Child Script -2( iOS )
_Child Script -1( Android )
_Child Script -2( Android )

To fix this issue, change the script as follows:

_Parent Script
Select device - iOS_Child Script -1( iOS )
    Open device --> first command inside the _Child Script -1( iOS )
Select device - iOS
_Child Script -2( iOS )
    Open device --> first command inside the _Child Script -2( iOS )
Select device - Android
_Child Script -1( Android )
    Open device --> first command inside the _Child Script -1( Android )
Select device - Android
_Child Script -2( Android )
    Open device --> first command inside the _Child Script -2( Android )