Geo-fence testing using set location and notification features

Geo-fencing is a technology you can test using the Set Location and Notification open features. We have uploaded a sample project that shows the test strategy to follow, including the server configuration and how to test the client feature scenarios. 

To test geo-fencing, you create user profiles per dwelling time in geo-fence ranges/area. This requires:

  • A Virtual area in a real geographical location
  • Push notifications when the user enters and exits the geo-fence area
  • An application installed and enabled with GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular data interfaces
Important: This article is not related to Perfecto's geolocation feature.

Step-by-step Instructions

The following procedure describes how to test geo-fencing using the Set Location and notification open features.

  1. Go through the slides in the following PDF file, which includes these sections:


    1. Geo-Fencing Overview

    2. Geo-Fencing Architecture and notification

    3. Testing Strategy for testing Geo-Fencing notification by using Set Location

    4. Adv/Disadvantages of Geo-Fencing

    5. Vitals of Geo-Fencing

    6. Reference links for Developing Geo-Fencing enabled Application for Android, iOS, Windows.

  2. Watch the following video. It illustrates a sample automation test scenario.

    1. The user launches a geo-fence enabled app, in this case as an admin user (adding Geo-fence, configuring notifications, dis/enabling Bluetooth / WiFi, and so on) and then as a client user (to be able to use Geo-fencing, the user will receive a notification on entering/exiting the Geo-fence area).

    2. The user adds Geo-fencing and configures notification alerts to appear when the user enters or exits the Geo-fence area.

    3. The user uses the Set Location feature to mock a location. The user appears to be entering or exiting a specific geo-fence area.

    4. When the user enters the area, the user receives a notification and confirms/validate the entry.

    5. When the user exits the area, the user receives a notification and confirms/validates the exit.

    6. The user deletes the geo-fence area created earlier.

  3. Work with the Geo-Fencing sample test project, as follows:

    1. Clone or download projects from here:
    2. Import the project PerfectoGeoFencingDemo into the Eclipse IDE.
    3. Open Perfecto device.
    4. From the Google Play store, install the app GeoAlert. You will use this app with our geo-fence demo automation code.
    5. Open file the following file: PerfectoGeoFencingDemo/src/com/perfecto/demo/GeoFencing/ 
    6. Update the following information with your own details:
    7. Copy
      String host = "";
      capabilities.setCapability("user", "");
      capabilities.setCapability("securityToken", "tokenNeedToBeAddedHere");
      capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "");


      • MyHost is the name of your Perfecto cloud
      • is your user's email address.
      • tokenNeedToBeAddedHere is your Perfecto security token.
      • The deviceName parameter requires the name of the device you are testing.