Download summary PDF report for a job in Java

Sometimes it is needed to download a Summary PDF report for a Job, which contains tests from more than one driver execution session.

This is possible via the Smart Reporting API (see PDF Formatted Report).

Step-by-step guide

  1. Utilize ReportiumExportUtils in your project;
  2. Add following method there:

     * Downloads the job summary PDF report
     * @param jobSummaryPdfPath    local path that the downloaded report will be saved to
     * @param jobName            the job name of the report
     * @param jobNumber         the job number of the report
     * @throws URISyntaxException
     * @throws IOException
    public static void downloadJobSummaryReport(Path jobSummaryPdfPath, String jobName, String jobNumber) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
        System.out.println("Downloading PDF for job: " + jobName + ", # " + jobNumber);
        URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(REPORTING_SERVER_URL + "/export/api/v1/test-executions/pdf");
        uriBuilder.addParameter("jobName[0]", jobName);
        uriBuilder.addParameter("jobNumber[0]", jobNumber);

  3. Call it in your project as per the example in PdfDownloadCodeSample

    //change accordingly or obtain during runtime from test environment
    String jobName = "<job_name>";
    String jobNumber = "<job_number>";
    String downloadFolder = "./perfectoReports";
    Path jobSummaryPdfPath = Paths.get(downloadFolder, jobName + "_" + jobNumber + ".pdf");
    ReportiumExportUtils.downloadJobSummaryReport(jobSummaryPdfPath, jobName, jobNumber);