Identify and configure the DevTunnel proxy

The DevTunnel installation service usually identifies the explicit proxy configuration and automatically updates its configuration file. Under certain circumstances, this identification process may fail and you will need to manually configure the connection via the proxy.

The following information is necessary to complete this configuration:

  • Proxy IP address and communication port
  • If the proxy employs credential authentication, credentials (username and password) to connect to the proxy

Retrieve the proxy IP address and port

Identifying the explicit proxy connection's IP address and port depends on your workstation's operating system. Expand a section to view the steps for your operating system.

Update the stunnel configuration file of DevTunnel

The stunnel configuration file is located at:

Windows Mac

<DevTunnel installation folder>/stunnel/config/stunnel.conf

The default DevTunnel installation folder is: C:\Program Files (x86)\DevTunnel\


To update the file:

  1. Open the stunnel configuration file.
  2. Change the lines that define the connect value to protocolHost.
  3. Before every protocolHost, add new connect lines with your <proxy-IP>:<port> (replace <proxy-IP> with your configured proxy server IP address and <port> with the specific communication port identified above).
  4. After each protocolHost, add a protocol = connect line.

Add authentication credential parameters

If your proxy server requires credential authentication, add the following lines to the stunnel.conf file:

     protocolUsername = <username>     protocolPassword = <password>     protocolAuthentication = basic

The <username> and <password> values should be the credentials for the proxy as defined for your workstation. Contact your IT department to obtain this information if it does not appear in the Network information window.

Restart stunnel

When you are done updating the stunnel configuration file, restart the stunnel service by executing the following command from the command line:



taskkill /f /IM stunnel.exe && cd <DevTunnel installation folder>/stunnel/bin/ && stunnel.exe

where the default DevTunnel installation folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\DevTunnel\.



sudo killall stunnel; cd /usr/local/etc/stunnel/; stunnel