Appium/XCUITest scripts on iOS

Perfecto supports connecting iOS10 devices in the Perfecto Lab to the XCUITest infrastructure or the older UIAutomation infrastructure. The automationName capability selects the underlying infrastructure and UI Element identification system to use for the Appium scripts, which can be one of the following:

  • Native UI Element automation infrastructure: UIAutomation (Appium) or XCUITest
  • PerfectoMobile proprietary infrastructure

With the configuration of iOS10 devices to indicate the automation infrastructure supported for the device, Appium XCUITest scripts on iOS 10 are available only on devices using XCUITest automation infrastructure. This makes the use of the automationName capability for selection of UIAutomation or XCUITest optional. As a result, it is easier to run the same scripts across different iOS versions. The following table indicates the automation type used.

automationName value Not set UIAutomation XCUITest

iOS 9 and earlier*

UI Automation

UI Automation

UI Automation

iOS 10 – UI automation (deprecated)

UI Automation

UI Automation

UI Automation

iOS 10 and later – XCUITest




* iOS versions 9 and earlier are deprecated.

To connect your iOS10 devices via XCUITest automation infrastructure, contact Perfecto Support.