Delete Reservation | Legacy

Tip: A new endpoint is now available for this action. See Delete Reservation.
Restriction: This API endpoint is not supported in the Free Trial cloud.

Deletes a specific device reservation. The reservation is indicated by the <reservationID> provided when the reservation was created.





Request parameters

Name Type Default Description
securityToken* string
A unique cryptographic key assigned to an authorized user.
user string

Deprecated. The name of the user running the operation. 

Important: All REST API commands require authentication through the Perfecto security token. See also Authentication in new APIs.
password string 

Deprecated. The password for the user. 

Important: All REST API commands require authentication through the Perfecto security token. See also Authentication in new APIs.
admin  boolean false  true to allow users with administrative credentials to delete reservations for users in their group. 
note: not available on shared MCM.
scope  string  remaining  Available for active reservations only. 
remaining to delete the rest of a reservation with tokens refund.
entire to delete the entire reservation (only available to admin users). No tokens refund, tokens should be adjusted separately if required.
responseFormat string  json  The format to use for the response: json, xml

* Mandatory parameter


Name Description
status success if the operation completed successfully; otherwise failure.