Azure DevOps (VSTS) with Quantum

Learn how to set up a CI/CD integration of a Perfecto Quantum project in an Microsoft Azure-DevOps environment. The resources listed under Related resources are meant to help you with the setup.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Microsoft Azure DevOps. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Microsoft Azure DevOps, see

To integrate Azure DevOps (VSTS) with Quantum:  

  1. CD process: Create and configure an Azure DevOps project for pipeline.
  2. Create and configure an Android build in the build phase of the project, along with a Perfecto configuration plugin (upload the APK file from the Azure environment to the Perfecto repository).
  3. CT Process: Create and configure jobs and tasks in the Quantum project for pipeline.

    You can integrate Azure DevOps and Perfecto Smart Reporting by using predefined environment variables in a maven command for a Quantum Maven project, depending on project requirements.

    Use the following command for: 

    • Release phase:

      clean install -Dreportium-job-name=$(Build.DefinitionName) -Dreportium-job-number=$(Release.ReleaseId) -Dreportium-job-branch=$(Build.SourceBranch)
    • Build Phase: 

      clean install -Dreportium-job-name=$(Build.DefinitionName) -Dreportium-job-number=$(Build.BuildId) -Dreportium-job-branch=$(Build.SourceBranch)
  4. Navigate from failed test scenarios to Perfecto Smart Reporting and the CI Dashboard, as shown in the following image.