Get License Information by Type

Get license information by device type. This command returns information on how many licenses are allowed for the device type specified in the request, how many are currently in use, how many are free to use, and how many minutes are available if a burst-capability package is part of the plan.

Restriction: This API endpoint is not supported in the Free Trial cloud.





Header Parameters

Name Description
Perfecto-Authorization Security Token


The response is in JSON format. It includes information about license availability for the requested device type, along with pay-per-minutes available if a burst-capability package is part of the plan. Burst capability is a pay-per-minute package that comes into play when you temporarily need to use more than the maximum number of licenses available to you, without having to purchase extra licenses.

Name Description
deviceType The device type, which can be either DESKTOP or SIMULATOR, as specified in the request. Note that for a device type of DESKTOP, the API returns the total number. It does not have any insight into how DESKTOP licenses are split between Windows and Mac devices.
licenses The total number of licenses purchased
inUse The number of licenses currently in use
available The number of licenses currently available, which is the number of licenses purchased minus the number of licenses currently in use
allowedMinutes The number of pay-per-use minutes purchased
usedMinutes The number of minutes already used
description The definition of the package purchased. Pay-per-use minutes are used for burst capability available beyond the number of fixed licenses. They are consumed when all licenses are in use. They allow you to run extra tests without having to purchase additional licenses.

JSON response | Desktop licenses

    "licenseList": [
            "deviceType": "DESKTOP",
            "licenses": 3,
            "inUse": 0,
            "available": 3
            "deviceType": "DESKTOP",
            "allowedMinutes": 240,
            "usedMinutes": 2,
            "description": "Pay-Per-Use minutes are used for burst capability, over the number of fixed licenses. These minutes are consumed when all the licenses are in use, and you run extra number of tests during that time."

JSON response | Simulator licenses

    "licenseList": [
            "deviceType": "SIMULATOR",
            "licenses": 30,
            "inUse": 0,
            "available": 30
            "deviceType": "SIMULATOR",
            "allowedMinutes": 2400,
            "usedMinutes": 0,
            "description": "Pay-Per-Use minutes are used for burst capability, over the number of fixed licenses. These minutes are consumed when all the licenses are in use, and you run extra number of tests during that time."        }