Legacy | Get Scheduled Execution Info

Restriction: This information no longer refers to the latest product version but may still be relevant if you are working with an older version.

Retrieves information about the scheduled execution.

It is possible to retrieve information on any scheduled execution regardless if it was defined as private, public, or group.

Request syntax



Name Type Default Description
securityToken* string
A unique cryptographic key assigned to an authorized user.
user* string

Deprecated. The name of the user running the operation. 

Important: All REST API commands require authentication through the Perfecto security token. See also Authentication in new APIs.
password* string 

Deprecated. The password of the user running the operation. 

Important: All REST API commands require authentication through the Perfecto security token. See also Authentication in new APIs.
admin  boolean false true to allow users with administrative credentials to create schedules for users in their group.
owner  string user The user name of the user who owns the scheduled execution. This parameter is used in conjunction with the admin parameter to allow administrators to perform operations on scheduled executions of other users. If a user with administrative credentials wants to get information for a scheduled execution of user "User", specify the parameters as admin=true and owner=User.
responseFormat  string  json Available values: json, xml

* Mandatory parameter


The response contains information about the scheduled execution.

Name Description
key ScheduleKey of the scheduled execution, including the visibiltiy
status Provides the status of the scheduled execution: active, inactive
owner Identifies the user that created the scheduled execution
description Description that was provided when the scheduled execution was created.
recurrence Presented as either a startTime/endTime pair or as a Cron-expression (if this was provided). In addition, a repeatCount is provided.
script Identifies the script key and parameters provided for the script.
lastRun Provides the status of the last time the script was run and the time that it was run.
nextRunTime Specifies when the next execution time is scheduled