Perfecto Connect error messages

The following table lists common error messages.

Error Message


What to do

Proxy requires authentication

Your machine is behind an authenticated proxy, and Perfecto Connect requires your credentials in order to continue.

Proxy credentials can be supplied using the outgoingproxyusername and outgoingproxypassword parameters.

Can't reach Perfecto Connect service at https://<lab_name>

The Perfecto Connect executable was unable to communicate with the Perfecto Connect service.

Verify network access to the URL provided.

Can't start Perfecto Connect session: Failed to create a new session, authentication failed using ClientAuthentication


  • The wrong Perfecto Lab URL was supplied
  • The security-token used was rejected.

Verify that the Perfecto Lab URL is correct and/or generate a new security token.

Connectivity test failed to Perfecto node server

Perfecto Connect unable to access the described host on port 443.

Verify outgoing network access to this host on port 443.

Can't start ssh on tunnel to port <port> - <URL>

Perfecto Connect utilizes several STunnel servers to connect your client to the service. One of these tunnels is being blocked by your network security.

Add the STunnel address to your network's white-list. To see how, see White-list the STunnel addresses.

Failed to connect to at least one node

Perfecto Connect was unable to initiate any connection to the Perfecto Connect nodes.

Contact Perfecto support.

Failed to execute command wifi.settings set: setWifiSettings command failed

Perfecto Connect was unable to prepare the device for the session.

Contact Perfecto support.

tunnelId=<tunnelId> not exists

Will appear during the Automation Script execution - the value in the tunnelId capability does not point to a valid STunnel connection.

Verify that the value of the capability corresponds to the tunnel that was opened.

Try reconnecting the client to obtain a new tunnel id and update the capability value appropriately.

Failed to activate tunnel - tunnelId=<tunnelId> not opened for this Perfecto Lab

The tunnel identified by the capability is connected to a different Perfecto Lab from the one identified in the automation driver initialization URL.

Verify that the URL of the automation script is the same as the one used when running the Perfecto Connect client.

Rerun the client on the correct Perfecto Lab and use the new tunnel identifier.

Failed to activate tunnel - tunnel is not connected - please rerun the client

The client is running but failed to connect to specific regions.

Rerun the client on the Perfecto Lab and use the new tunnel identifier.

If problem persists, contact Perfecto support.