Quantum 1.30.0 release notes

This document introduces changes made in version 1.30 (following version 1.23.0) and also includes upgrade instructions


  • Upgraded the Selenium version from 3.141.59 to 4.2.2 (Selenium 4)

  • Upgraded the Appium client version from 7.6.0 to 8.1.1 (Appium 2.0 compliant)

  • Implemented vendor-specific desired capabilities introduced in Appium 2.0

  • Upgraded the perfectomobile.version from to

  • Upgraded the QAF and QAF support versions from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0

New features

  • Added support for Appium 2.0-compliant clients and Selenium 4.0

  • Attached Quantum Source to the Quantum support jar for ease of debugging

  • Added support for parallel download of multiple Perfecto reports for the same test case

  • Introduced a new interface VendorPrefixPatch that lets you implement the vendor-specific desired capabilities required by Appium 2.0

  • Added a NettyClientFactory client

Breaking changes


All breaking changes introduced by Selenium 4 and Appium 2.0 are applicable. Make sure to implement appropriate fixes or changes at the project level.

  • Platform-specific methods (such as hideKeyboard) has moved from the Appium Driver to a Platform Specific Driver.

  • The MobileElement class is deprecated and removed. Use WebElement class instead.

  • The MobileElement class had a setValue method. Because the MobileElement class is now deprecated, use the sendKey method of the WebElement class instead.

  • The findElementByXXX methods are deprecated and removed. Use the findElement(By.xxx(“”)) methods instead.

  • The MobileBy class is deprecated and removed. Use the AppiumBy class instead.

  • Timeouts used to be specified using long values. Now, the Wait methods with parameter long are deprecated and removed. Use Duration.ofXXX(value) instead.

  • Applicable only to mobile execution (of web, hybrid, or native apps): All Perfecto-specific desired capabilities in the config file (testng.xml) need to be prefixed with: perfecto:

    For example: perfecto:securityToken

  • Applicable only to mobile execution (of web, hybrid, or native apps): All Perfecto-specific desired capabilities in the application.properties file need to have a key starting with: perfecto.capabilities.xxx

    For example: perfecto.capabilites.securityToken

  • Log4j dependencies are removed from the framework. Provide log4j-related dependencies in your pom.xml file.

Deprecation warnings

  • The Driver.getCapabilities().getPlatform() method is deprecated. Use Driver.getCapabilities().getPlatformName() instead.

  • The io.appium.java_client.TouchAction class is deprecated. Use the Sequence class instead.

  • Opera browser support is deprecated. This is not relevant for Perfecto.

Upgrade steps

  1. Edit the pom.xml file as follows:

    • Change the Quantum Support Dependency to 1.30.0.

    • Remove all existing log4j- and SL4J-related dependencies.

    • Add the following property in the properties section (usually found at the top of the pom.xml file):

    • Add the following dependencies related to log4j in the dependencies section:

  2. Perform a Maven install/uninstall of the project.


    Due to breaking changes introduced at the level of the Appium/Selenium API, you will observe errors in the Java files located in the src/main/java folder. The issues will be fixed at a later stage.

  3. In the resources folder, edit the application.properties file as follows:

    • Applicable only to mobile execution (of web, hybrid, or native apps): Update the property names of all Perfecto-related desired capabilities from driver.capabilities.xxx to perfecto.capabilities.xxx.

      For example: perfecto.capabilities.securityToken

    • Set the driver.name property value to perfectoRemoteDriver.

  4. In the src/main/resources/config folder, edit the testng.xml file as follows:

    • Applicable only to mobile execution (of web, hybrid, or native apps): Update the property names of all Perfecto-related desired capabilities from xxx.capabilities.xxx to yyy.capabilities.perfecto:xxx.

      For example: driver.capabilities.perfecto:model

    • Applicable only to mobile execution (of web, hybrid, or native apps): Update the property value of all additional Perfecto-related desired capabilities from yyy.capabilities.xxx to yyy.capabilities.perfecto:xxx.

      For example: {'perfecto:useVirtualDevice':true}

    • Set the driver.name property value to perfectoRemoteDriver.

  5. In the src/main/java folder, fix any code-related issues. Use the following table for reference. This table lists the known breaking changes.


    For any issues not listed here, contact Perfecto Support.

    Solution number

    Breaking change



    The hideKeyboard method is moved to a driver-level method.

    Move the hideKeyboard calls to the driver object.


    Command-level logs are not displayed during the execution.

    Add log4j-related dependencies to their project POM file.


    findElementByXXX methods are removed from the Appium client.

    Convert them to respective findElement(By.xxx("")) calls.


    Unable to execute tests on virtual devices.

    Prefix useVirtualDevice with perfecto:. For example: perfecto:useVirtualDevice


    The MobileElement class is removed from the Appium client.

    Replace MobileElement with WebElement.


    The TouchAction class doe not have a constructor with Appium driver argument.

    Replace the instantiation of the TouchAction class with the respecting Android or iOS driver.


    A deprecation warning occurs for the TouchAction class.

    If you have implemented the TouchAction class in your scripts, consider migrating to the Sequence class.


    wait functions are not accepting a long value.

    Instead of a long value, use the Duration class.


    Opera browser is showing a deprecation warning.

    Remove support for the Opera browser.


    The setValue method of the MobileElement is not available for setting a value.

    Use the sendKey method of the WebElement.


    MobileBy is showing a deprecation warning.

    Use AppiumBy instead of MobileBy.


    Perfecto-related desired capabilities do not work.

    Applicable only to mobile execution (of web, hybrid, or native apps): Use perfecto.capabilities.xxx to provide Perfecto-related capabilities. For example: perfecto.capabilities.securityToken


    driver.getCapabilities().getPlatform() shows a deprecation warning.

    the driver.getCapabilities().getPlatform() class should be changed to driver.getCapabilities().getPlatformName().


    Getting Error while executing tests - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Level

    In the pom.xml file, remove any additional SLF4J or Log4j dependencies except the ones added in row 2.


    A 401 HTTP error occurs when the mobile driver is initialized.

    Applicable only to mobile execution (of web, hybrid, or native apps): Update Perfecto-specific desired capabilities in the application.properties file. If the existing capabilities are provided using driver.capabilities.xxx, update them to perfecto.capabilities.xxx.