Legacy | Screen text

  • Command: screen

  • Subcommand: text

  • Supported Platforms: Native (legacy), UFT (legacy), Selenium, Appium

    All commands must be executed using the same framework. Sharing the execution ID between different frameworks is not possible. This means that if you work with a Selenium/Appium driver, you need to call the commands using the Selenium/Appium driver (or, in the case of Reporting commands, through the Reporting SDK that works with the driver) and not as part of a UFT test or another framework.

  • Supported OS: Android, iOS


Returns the text that appears on the screen of the device (but does not select the text). The retrieved screen text can be stored in a defined String variable or to a location in the Perfecto Repository (see key parameter) and then used with the string compare and string attribute checkpoints.


Name Value Default Description
deviceId*     The device for this command.

all (all)

body (body)

lowerPanel ()

upperPanel ()


Defines the screen region where to retrieve the text.



The variable name to receive the screen text.

The text will always be available in the report.


primary (Primary)

native (Native)

camera (Camera)

auto (Auto)

secondary ()


The source for retrieving the screen content.

Primary - Screenshot taken from the device (higher resolution but slower)

Native - Native device controls

Camera - Screenshot taken from the video stream (lower resolution but faster)

Auto - Native device controls, if available. Else, digital screen image, if available. Else, analog screen image.


all (All)

all-on-error (All on error)

screenshot (Screenshot)

screenshot-on-error (Screenshot on error)

text (Text)

none (None)


The value to display in the report.

Screenshot - display screenshot

Screenshot on error - display screenshots only for actions in error

Text - display screen text

All - display screenshot and text

All on error - display text always and screenshot only for actions in error

None - display nothing

Consider reducing the resolution in very long scripts that result in large report files.


default (Default)

DocumentConversion_Accuracy (Document Conversion Accuracy)

DocumentConversion_Speed (Document Conversion Speed)

DocumentArchiving_Accuracy (Document Archiving Accuracy)

DocumentArchiving_Speed (Document Archiving Speed)

BookArchiving_Accuracy (Book Archiving Accuracy)

BookArchiving_Speed (Book Archiving Speed)

TextExtraction_Accuracy (Text Extraction Accuracy)

TextExtraction_Speed (Text Extraction Speed)

FieldLevelRecognition (Field Level Recognition)

BarcodeRecognition (Barcode Recognition)


Use when text cannot be found on the device screen.

Try all the profiles with the word accuracy. Per profile, try changing the DPI (96 or 300 or 120).



A generic OCR parameter.

Use this to provide additional OCR specifications that are not exposed as function parameters.

Example - "isolate=true" It is possible to provide multiple specifications.

This parameter is not relevant when using native screen source.


full (Full)

automatic (Automatic)

manual (Manual)


The image analysis mode.

The device screen may contain text and images.

Automatic - OCR distinguishes between text and images, filtering out images.

Manual - OCR assumes text only. Use alongside the Inverted text parameter.

Full - OCR tries both automatic and manual.

This parameter is not relevant when using native screen source.


any (Any)

yes (Yes)

no (No)


The text appearance, likely to appear in inverted colors (dark text on light background). Use only if 'Analysis mode' is set to 'Manual'.

Yes - Text is inverted

No - Text is normal, not inverted

Any - Text might be inverted or not, checked automatically by the system

This parameter is not relevant when using native screen source.


left (Left)

right (Right)

above (Above)

below (Below)

left-above (Left-Above)

left-below (Left-Below)

right-above (Right-Above)

right-below (Right-Below)

inside (Inside)


The direction of the related region, stored in memory from the last found needle, in relation to the searched needle.

For more information, see the Visual Relations series.

Left - The related region is to the left of the searched needle

Right - The related region is to the right of the searched needle

Above - The related region is above the searched needle

Below - The related region is below the searched needle

Left-Above - The related region is to the left and above the searched needle

Left-Below - The related region is to the left and below the searched needle

Right-Above - The related region is to the right and above the searched needle

Right-Below - The related region is to the right and below to the searched needle

Inside - The searched needle is inside the related region boundaries of the related region


horizontal (Horizontal)

vertical (Vertical)


The search area is in-line with the related region, stored in memory from the last found needle.

For more information, see the Visual Relations series.

Horizontal - The needle is within the height (top to button) boundaries of the related region

Vertical - The needle is within the width (left to right) boundaries of the related region



The number of text lines to be retrieved from the screen.

This parameter is only applicable with visual relations.


high (High)

medium (Medium)

low (Low)


The image resolution.

Consider reducing the resolution in very long scripts that result in large report files.



The full repository path, including directory and file name, where to save the screen text. Example - PRIVATE:dir1/screenText.txt. The text will always be available in the report.


English (English)

Spanish (Spanish)

Japanese (Japanese)

German (German)

French (French)

Dutch (Dutch)

Italian (Italian)

ChinesePRC (Chinese)

Russian (Russian)

PortugueseStandard (Portuguese)


The OCR language to use.It is possible to select multiple languages.

For languages that do not appear in the drop down menu, contact Perfecto Support to enable them.

This parameter is not relevant when using native screen source.


auto (Auto)

accuracy (Accuracy)

performance (Performance)


The text recognition accuracy policy.

Selecting the Accuracy value will increase the operation time.

Auto - shifted toward recognition accuracy with a moderate impact on the recognition speed.

Accuracy - shifted toward maximum recognition accuracy.

Performance - shifted toward recognition speed.

This parameter is not relevant when using native screen source.



The top value of the screen area where to search for the needle.

Values can be in pixels or in percentage of screen width (0-100). For percentage, use the % sign. Example: 20%

Default is to search the entire screen.

Consider using the percentage value because it does not rely on the screen resolution.



The height value of the screen area where to search for the needle.

Values can be in pixels or in percentage of screen width (0-100). For percentage, use the % sign. Example: 20%

Default is to search the entire screen.

Consider using the percentage value because it does not rely on the screen resolution.



The left value of the screen area where to search for the needle.

Values can be in pixels or in percentage of screen width (0-100). For percentage, use the % sign. Example: 20%

Default is to search the entire screen.

Consider using the percentage value because it does not rely on the screen resolution.



The width value of the screen area where to search for the needle.

Values can be in pixels or in percentage of screen width (0-100). For percentage, use the % sign. Example: 20%

Default is to search the entire screen.

Consider using the percentage value because it does not rely on the screen resolution.


use (Use)

nouse (No Use)


Indicates whether the text recognition application should use a cached picture of the screen if available (this value should not be changed by the user, under normal circumstances).



The column name to be used for grid view in the report.

Selecting this parameter creates the grid report.

* Mandatory parameter

Request & Response




JSON response

  "reason": "Success",
  "timer.elapsed": "2094",
  "returnValue": "m <$> A 9 s 9 El t ,,ill 100% 1 3:07 PM\nTHE\nGRIDZ!\nThe Grid dn iaii\non nnw] .tun nnnx on l''n\n(: nnnzi nix ah!? npi ivpyn\nRate now Later No, thanks\nZ\nto EQ oo DO may",
  "testGridReportUrl": "https://mycloud.reporting-stg.perfectomobile.com?externalId[0]=john@perfectomobile.com_controller_16-11-07_19_58_34_522",
  "description": "Success",
  "timer.system": "2094",
  "completed": "true",
  "flowEndCode": "SUCCEEDED",
  "executionId": "john@perfectomobile.com_controller_16-11-07_19_58_34_522",
  "timer.ux": "0",
  "singleTestReportUrl": "https://mycloud.perfectomobile.com/nexperience/singletest/report/?reportRepositoryKey=PRIVATE:controller/161107/controller_16-11-07_19_58_34_522.xml&ownerId=john@perfectomobile.com&sharingCode=3eff0387-e7b0-4c0a-af43-419f95dc36ec",
  "reportKey": "PRIVATE:controller/161107/controller_16-11-07_19_58_34_522.xml",
  "screenAnalysis.grade": "0",
  "timer.device": "0"}