Legacy | Webpage.Info

  • Command: webpage

  • Subcommand: info

  • Supported Platforms: Native (legacy), UFT (legacy), Selenium, Appium

    All commands must be executed using the same framework. Sharing the execution ID between different frameworks is not possible. This means that if you work with a Selenium/Appium driver, you need to call the commands using the Selenium/Appium driver (or, in the case of Reporting commands, through the Reporting SDK that works with the driver) and not as part of a UFT test or another framework.

  • Supported OS: Android, iOS


Retrieves the specified webpage property and can insert the value into a defined variable. Use the property parameter to specify the webpage property to retrieve. Only one property value or performance value can be specified in each command.

The returnValue field of the response provides the value of the requested property value.


Name Values Default Description

The device for this command.
property* docUrl (URL)
docTitle (Title)
userAgent (User Agent)
innerHTML (Source)
outerHTML (Outer HTML)
performance (Performance)

The webpage property to be retrieved. Used alongside the Performance parameter.
User Agent(userAgent)
Reference: www.w3.org
performance pageLoadTime (Page Load Time)
navigationStart (Navigation Start)
unloadEventStart (Unload Event Start)
unloadEventEnd (Unload Event End)
redirectStart (Redirect Start)
redirectEnd (Redirect End)
fetchStart (Fetch Start)
domainLookupStart (Domain Lookup Start)
domainLookupEnd (Domain Lookup End)
connectStart (Connect Start)
connectEnd (Connect End)
secureConnectionStart (Secure Connection Start)
requestStart (Request Start)
responseStart (Response Start)
responseEnd (Response End)
domLoading (Dom Loading)
domInteractive (Dom Interactive)
domContentLoadedEventStart (Dom Content Loaded Event Start)
domContentLoadedEventEnd (Dom Content Loaded Event End)
domComplete (Dom Complete)
loadEventStart (Load Event Start)
loadEventEnd (Load Event End)
Page Load Time The required performance parameter.
Used alongside thePerformanceproperty.
Navigation Start
Unload Event Start
Unload Event End
Redirect Start
Redirect End
Fetch Start
Domain Lookup Start
Domain Lookup End
Connect Start
Connect End
Secure Connection Start
Request Start
Response Start
Response End
Dom Loading
Dom Interactive
Dom Content Loaded Event Start
Dom Content Loaded Event End
Dom Complete
Load Event Start
Load Event End

Reference: www.w3.org

This parameter is supported only for Android devices (v 4.1 OS and later)
30 The time, in seconds, to wait for the page to be loaded in order to retrieve the webpage property.

A list of XPath expressions representing an iFrame/Frame.

The variable to receive the webpage property value.
1 The index number of the web view in a hybrid application.
framework appium-1.3.4 (Appium)
perfectoMobile (PerfectoMobile)
PerfectoMobile The automation framework.
PerfectoMobile (default)
report all (All)
all-on-error (All on error)
screenshot (Screenshot)
screenshot-on-error (Screenshot on error)
text (Text)
none (None)
Screenshot The value to display in the report.
Screenshot- display screenshot
Screenshot on error- display screenshots only for actions in error
Text- display screen text
All- display screenshot and text
All on error- display text always and screenshot only for actions in error
None- display nothing
It is recommended to reduce the resolution in very long scripts that result in large report files.
report.resolution high (High)
medium (Medium)
low (Low)
High The image resolution.
It is recommended to reduce the resolution in very long scripts that result in large report files.

* Mandatory parameter

Request & Response




JSON response
