2 | Select a mobile or desktop web device
Perform the following steps to select the device to test on. Expand the option that corresponds to the testing you want to perform.
Watch this short video to see how to open a mobile device.
To select a mobile device:
On the landing page, click OPEN DEVICE.
In the Manual Testing view, find a device you want to work with.
By default, the Manual Testing view opens in tile view , but you can switch to a row view if you prefer.
If you have been here before, you can select Recent in the left pane and choose a device you worked with previously. At any time, you can sort by manufacturer or use the search box at the top right if there is a specific device you would like to use.
In the left pane, select a mobile device folder.
In the tile or row view, select the mobile device you want to test on. The details pane opens on the right. This pane provides information on the device, such as availability, OS version, device ID, or location, and available capabilities.
To open the device, on the tile or in the row, click OPEN.
Watch this short video to see how to open a desktop web device.
To select a desktop web device:
On the landing page, click OPEN DEVICE.
In the Manual Testing view, find a device you want to work with.
By default, the Manual Testing view opens in tile view , but you can switch to a row view if you prefer.
If you have been here before, you can select Recent in the left pane and choose a device you worked with previously. At any time, you can sort by manufacturer or use the search box at the top right if there is a specific device you would like to use.
In the left pane, select the Web folder.
In the Open new web session panel:
Select the operating system type and version, the browser type and version, the resolution, and the location.
(Optional) At the bottom, enter a URL to test.
(Optional) To view Selenium capabilities generated for the selected configuration in all supported languages, click View capabilities.
You can copy those capabilities and use them in your scripts. To view the capabilities when the session has started, click the information button in the right vertical toolbar.
Click OPEN.
Next: 3 | Test your app