
  • A type of software testing performed to ensure that the application being tested is usable by people with disabilities like hearing or vision impairment . Perfecto provides integration with mobile platform accessibility tools for iOS and Android. These tools check the current screen of an application for accessibility issues.
  • An open-source framework used for testing desktop and mobile apps. Perfecto allows you to run Appium Driver tests with Java.
  • A feature that allows importing or uploading an audio file. Perfecto allows injecting audio files that help test actions in apps that rely on audio input.
  • The process of using automation tools to maintain test data, execute tests, and analyze test results to improve software quality.
  • A feature that allows uploading fingerprint or face ID. Perfecto allows biometrics injection depending on the device model.
  • Desired capabilities. A key-value pair in Appium that is encoded in JSON format. They contain important information about the test to be performed. The Appium client sends this information to the Appium server during an automation session.
  • Continuous Integration (CI) is a process where developers integrate code into a shared repository and the code gets tested frequently. This code is then delivered as a part of the Continuous Development (CD) process. Perfecto offers integration with different CI/CD tools.
  • A web front-end testing tool that enables writing automated web tests in JavasScript. With Perfecto, it is possible to run Cypress tests on devices in a Perfecto cloud.
  • A facility that allows developers to access real devices in the Perfecto Lab to perform development and debugging activities.
  • Device under test. A product that is undergoing testing or has been selected for testing. In Perfecto, this can be a mobile or desktop web device.
  • A device that simulates the hardware and software of an Android device on a computer.
  • A framework used to write Android UI tests. Perfecto allows you to run Espresso tests with the Perfecto Gradle Plugin.
  • The process to of running a test script and comparing the actual results with the expected results.
  • See STR.
  • A tab in Perfecto that displays a list of available failure reasons. Also provides the option to add custom failure reasons. Only an admin can access this tab.
  • An open-source UI framework. Perfecto allows you to perform Flutter-based integration tests for testing applications.
  • An open-source build automation tool that is flexible enough to build any type of software. Perfecto integrates with Gradle.
  • HTTP Archive. A JSON-formatted archive file format for logging an application’s (either browser or a native/hybrid app) interaction with HTTP servers.
  • Handset Server. A device that manages the device connectivity in the Perfecto Lab via USB cables.
  • A type of cloud that is a combination of public and private clouds. It allows users to utilize some resources of the public cloud while maintaining some on-premise data centers.
  • Identity Providers. A service to manage SSO systems. This service includes the authentication of users and the addition or removal of privileges for users.
  • A method that mocks the use of the camera in mobile testing. It takes an image (in either .jpeg, .jpg, .png, or .bmp format) that is stored in the Perfecto repository and presents it to the application as if it was read by the device camera. This enables testing of the application actions for different types of focus, image placement, and so on.
  • International Mobile Equipment Identity. A 15-digit unique identification or serial number associated with all mobile phones.
  • International Mobile Subscriber Identifier. A unique number used to identify individual subscribers.
  • A process that prepares the application for testing or automation. Perfecto offers sensor instrumentation to interact with different input sensors and WebView instrumentation if the application displays parts of the UI in WebView objects.
  • See manual testing
  • A view in Perfecto that displays the list of test executions currently running on devices in the Perfecto Lab. It provides information like identification, timing, device, and live video for each test run.
  • See manual testing
  • Also called interactive testing or live testing. A type of software testing where a human performs the tests step by step, without test scripts. It is also the name of a view in Perfecto that allows you to perform manual testing.
  • An open-source build tool that supports building, publishing, and deploying projects all in one go. Perfecto integrates with Maven.
  • Mobile Cloud Manager. A device in the Perfecto infrastructure that manages the handset servers (HSS) and the entire cloud functionality and serves as the cloud engine for serving clients, user management, script execution, resource (device) management, and storage.
  • A method that helps simulate application behavior in different network environments.
  • A tool in the Perfecto UI designed to aid the test automation process. It provides information about object locators/identifiers. It takes a snapshot of the native app, hybrid app, or website and makes it possible to explore objects on the device screen.
  • Optical Character Recognition. A process that captures text from PDFs and images and converts it into formats such as Word, Excel, or a plain text file. This process makes the files editable and searchable.
  • A network connection tool that supports testing mobile apps, web apps, and websites hosted on the local development network.
  • Sometimes referred to as Perfecto commands. A set of extended RemoteWebDriver commands that are used as extensions to the existing Perfecto API.
  • Sometimes referred to as lab. A physical space that hosts Perfecto hardware, machines, and real mobile devices for testing.
  • Within Perfecto, the online storage for managing all digital assets, including apps, images, audio files, and scripts. Supported operations include uploading, downloading, editing, and deleting files.
  • A unique, user-specific string that enhances the security of the traffic between automation scripts and the Perfecto Lab. Users can generate security tokens in the Perfecto UI. The security tokens are also used for identification when using the public API.
  • A Perfecto feature that provides extensive test analysis capabilities in form of digital reports and enables quick identification of potential problems.
  • Also called enterprise cloud. An infrastructure that enables remote testing on devices dedicated to individual teams to use for specific testing needs. No one else can access these devices. Private clouds typically offer advanced network connections and have superior security. See also public cloud.
  • An infrastructure that enables remote testing on devices that are shared among various teams. After a device is used for testing, the device is wiped clean for the next user. See also private cloud.
  • An open-source, cross-platform test automation framework supporting behavior-driven development (BDD). Designed and maintained by Perfecto experts, this framework provides a low-code solution for test management, maintenance, and execution at scale.
  • A mobile device that is physically available in a Perfecto data center.
  • An interface to execute tests on a remote machine or in a distributed environment.
  • See STR.
  • A collection of test reports in Perfecto. It displays reports for a selected time frame in tabular format, including statistical information for all listed reports and a historical breakdown of when tests failed. Each report provides a detailed analysis of the particular test run.
  • An open-source web-based automation tool. Perfecto allows you to run Selenium WebDriver tests with Java.
  • A virtual version of a real device like an iPhone or iPad on a Mac host. Designed for basic functional testing, it has certain limitations.
  • Single sign-on. A type of authentication that allows using a single set of credentials to log into several different applications/services.
  • Single Test Report. Also referred to as execution report or simply report. A Perfecto-generated report that provides detailed information about a particular test including the list of steps, screenshots, video, and text artifacts.
  • A framework based on best practices and assumptions designed for test automation, often accompanied by elements such as libraries, test data, and reusable modules. Test automation is key to helping companies scale their testing. Perfecto integrates with several test automation frameworks for end-to-end continuous testing support.
  • A device that provides the same functionality as real mobile phone. See also emulator and simulator.
  • A method that verifies the software user interface (UI) appears correctly. It involves identifying the UI objects and their appearance (size, shape, position, etc.). Perfecto provides a Visual Analysis tool based on analyzing a screenshot of the actual device screen (100% reflection of what the user sees).
  • A test automation framework for iOS. Perfecto supports connecting iOS devices in the Perfecto Lab to the XCUITest infrastructure.