Perform advanced test management

With test management, you can carry out actions like open, rename, delete, copy, and move tests.

In the Manage tests view, the left pane displays a tree view of folders and corresponding tests. The available default folders are Public Tests and My Tests. A Group Tests folder option is visible only if you are logged in as a user who belongs to a group.

The right pane displays more details about the selected item, which, for folders, includes a table that lists the tests contained in that folder. The table shows test-related information like name, creation date and time, modification date and time, owner, modified by, and parameters. You can sort tests by clicking the column headers.

Above the table, a toolbar provides access to actions like open, copy, move, and delete.

You can refresh this view by clicking the Refresh button at the bottom left.

To learn how to perform advanced test management in Scriptless Mobile, watch this video or review the instructions following the video.