
Applitools is an intelligent functional and visual testing tool. It uses Visual AI to capture visual differences across different platforms, with every release.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Applitools. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Applitools, see

Sign up for Applitools

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Sample Perfecto and Applitools integration project

A sample GitHub project is located at

The sample project showcases the Perfecto and Applitools features described in the following sections.

Perfecto features

The checkWindow method of showcases how Perfecto Smart Reporting identifies Applitools checkWindow operations as steps.

The same method showcases how the pass/fail status of Applitools Eyes along with the direct result links are integrated within Perfecto Smart Reporting
The following screenshots illustrate a pass and fail scenario.

Pass scenario

Pass scenario

Fail scenario

Fail scenario

This seamless integration can save a lot of precious time when thousands of scripts are executed overnight, allowing the user to focus on Perfecto Smart Reporting for overall results and navigate to the Applitools report in case of any unresolved failures.

Applitools features contains examples to showcase the Applitools ability to verify the following:

  • Missing images and alignment issues

  • Tables

  • Charts

  • PDFs

To implement the above within your organization, or for help with implementing anything else, reach out to Perfecto Professional Services.