
The biggest challenge in testing responsive web pages is UI tests on different resources (browsers and mobile devices). For a strong environment for testing responsive webpages, you can connect between Galen Framework, a powerful option for UI testing, and Perfecto. Perfecto  provides access to thousands of real devices with different screen sizes and resolutions all through the cloud. Together with Perfecto, Galen Framework offers you with rich functionality for visual testing, such as image comparison and color scheme verification.

Galen Framework is an open-source framework that allows you to execute automated "look and feel" tests on responsive webpages. It is based on Selenium RemoteWebDriver and validates the UI location based on DOM data. Perfecto  supports RemoteWebDriver and an implemented SeleniumGrid protocol.

Learn how to execute Galen tests on mobile devices in Perfecto using RemoteWebDriver. For information on integrating Galen with Perfecto Smart Reporting, see Integrate Galen Framework with Smart Reporting.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Galen. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Galen, see

Galen provides a simple scripting language to create an automated test and to define validations based on UI objects. In this example, we selected The Paint Drop as a responsive webpage to test. The following images show the webpage on web and on mobile.