
Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha is one of the most popular JavaScript testing frameworks, with over 18k stars in GitHub. This section guides you through integrating Mocha and Selenium Webdriver with Perfecto and Perfecto Smart Reporting

A sample project is available at this GitHub Mocha-Perfecto sample repository.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Mocha. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Mocha, see


Integrating Perfecto and Perfecto Smart Reporting with Mocha requires the following npm packages:

  • mocha
  • chai
  • perfecto-reporting
  • selenium-webdriver

1 | Initialize and set up a Mocha project

In this step, we start a new Mocha project from scratch.

  1. Install Node.js.

  2. To establish the npm project, run the following nom commands:


    npm commands

    npm init
    npm install mocha chai perfecto-reporting selenium-webdriver --save-dev
  3. Create a test folder.

  4. Create test suite scripts with the file extension .spec.js, for example tests.spec.js.
  5. Open package.json and edit the script entry as follows:


    package.json sample

    "scripts": {
    "test": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha"},

    This way, when you need to run the test later, you can just use the following simple command:

    npm test

2 | Set up and integrate Perfecto Smart Reporting via a callback helper

To launch a Perfecto device session, you must specify a RemoveWebDriver session and device selection capabilities in the helper file.

  1. Specify the Perfecto URL and capabilities as follows: 


    URL and Capabilities

    var sel      = require('selenium-webdriver');
    var perfectoReporting = require('perfecto-reporting');
    var capabilities = {
        'platformName' : '<iOS or Android>',
        'deviceName' : '<device_name>', //you can also use other capabilities to specify devices you want to work with
        'bundleId' : '<app_bundle_id>', //your app bundle id, e.g.
        'browserName' : 'mobileOS',
        'securityToken' : '<perfecto_sec_token>'

    var REMOTE_URL = 'https://<cloud_name>';
  2. Use Selenium WebDriver to launch the Perfecto RWD session: 



    browser =  await  new sel.Builder().withCapabilities(capabilities).usingServer(REMOTE_URL).build();
    await browser.manage().setTimeouts({implicit:20000});
  3. Use this browser object to perform any RWD-based activities. For example: 


    Mocha Sample

       describe('<Suite Name>', async function() {
            var i = 0;
            while (i++ < REATING_NUM) { // repetitive tests
              it(' <Scenario name>',  async function() {
                    await browser.findElement(sel.By.xpath('<element_xpath>')).click();
                    expect(await drv.findElement(sel.By.xpath('<element_xpath>')).getText())'3');  //chai assertion
  4. To integrate the automated Perfectoreporting feature on the fly, without changing the existing code structure of each test scenario, set up a customized describe function with driver launch callback and reporting and teardown hooks. In the following example, this function is called describeWithPerfecto


    describeWithPerfecto function

    module.exports = function describeWithPerfecto(name, callback, body) {
      let browser;
      let reportingClient;
      describe(name, function() {
        // as we using beforeEach here, new browser will be received for every test case
        before(async function() {
                        //launch the remoteWebDriver
                        browser =  await  new sel.Builder().withCapabilities(capabilities).usingServer(REMOTE_URL).build();
                        await browser.manage().setTimeouts({implicit:20000});
                        var perfectoExecutionContext =  
                            await new perfectoReporting.Perfecto.PerfectoExecutionContext({
                                webdriver: browser,
                                //set the CI job name and CI job number, can be parameterized
                                job: {jobName: "MochaPerfectoCI",buildNumber:3},
                                //Set the tags
                                tags: ['selenium tests']
                        reportingClient = 
                            await new perfectoReporting.Perfecto.PerfectoReportingClient(perfectoExecutionContext);
        beforeEach(async function(){
            await reportingClient.testStart(this.currentTest.title); //report test start before each test scenario
        afterEach(async function(){ 
          if(this.currentTest.state === "passed")
              await reportingClient.testStop({status: perfectoReporting.Constants.results.passed}); // report pass in case test scenario is passed
          else if(this.currentTest.state === "failed")
            await reportingClient.testStop( {status: perfectoReporting.Constants.results.failed,    // report fail along with error msg in case test scenario is failed
              message: this.currentTest.err.message

        body(); //user test script body

        // teardown when suite is done
        after(function() {
          return browser.quit();
  5. Use this customized describeWithPerfecto function as follows:


    describeWithPerfecto sample

    describeWithPerfecto('<Suite Name>',

    b=>{drv=b.drv;rpt=b.rpt;}, //callback to pick up the Perfecto RWD and PerfectoReporting client from describeWithPerfecto

    function(){ //The real test script body
            var i=0;
            while (i++ < REPEATING_NUM) { // repetitive tests
              it('<Scenario Name>',  async function() {
                    await rpt.stepStart('Click on element') 
                    // Optionally if test steps need to be marked out, you can insert stepStart to mark starting of a logical step
                    await drv.findElement(sel.By.xpath('<element xpath>')).click();
                    await rpt.stepEnd() // by insert stepEnd to nark the current logical step end
                    await rpt.stepStart('Validate Element Equals 3')
                    expect(await drv.findElement(sel.By.xpath('element xpath')).getText())'3'); //chai assertion
                    await rpt.stepEnd()