Legacy | REST API

This section provides information on Perfecto REST API endpoints that are considered legacy.

URL Structure

The following is the API URL request structure:



  • <hostName> is the ost name for the service. For example, mycloud.perfectomobile.com.

  • <resourceGroup> is a resource group. For example, executions.

  • <resourceIdentifier> is a resource identifier. This is only required if the API call is on a specific resource such as aborting a specific execution.

  • operation is the operation to perform. For example, abort.

  • <mandatoryParameters> are one or more required parameters specified using name-value pairs prefixed by the & character. For example, &offlineToken=securityToken.

  • <optional parameters> are one or more optional parameters specified using name-value pairs prefixed by the & character. For example, &responseFormat=XML.

Authentication & Authorization

It is required to send authentication in the dialog box of the Perfecto security token. For more information, see Generate security tokens.


Some operations require specific user permissions. For example, user operations require the administrator or user management role.


The API request can be transmitted to the API server using either the GET or the POST HTTP methods. To use the GET method, simply specify the request as a URL. Parameter values must be encoded to prevent conflicts with HTTP special characters. The following example shows the URL for getting a list of all connected handsets in mycloud.


You can get the same list using the POST method specifying the POST parameters as follows:

URL: https://mycloud.perfectomobile.com/services/handsets
Request: operation=list&securityToken=mySecurityToken&status=connected

Operations that upload files to the Perfecto repository must use POST or PUT method.

Endpoints listed in this section