Legacy | Roles and Groups

This topic provides an overview of the steps required to help user administrators set up and manage users.

Admin Application

Our Support team provides user administration rights. To access the admin application:

  1. From the applications menu, select More -> Administration.
  2. Click the Users tab.

Roles and Groups

To aid more efficient workload, management roles are assigned to users. Users can be organized into groups. The privileges assigned to users go according to role. Users can receive one or more roles. Groups enable users with assigned roles to work as a cohesive unit.

System Roles provide specific functionality. The matrix below describes user system roles:

Role Name Role Description
INTERACTIVE Access to Interactive tab
AUTOMATION Access to Automation tab
ADVANCED_AUTOMATION Access to draft functions, script XML, virtual functions XML, and execution log.
AUTOMATION_EXECUTION Access to run scripts in Execution Center
AUTOMATION_ADMINISTRATOR Access to reports, executions, and repository items of your users (also includes Automation_Execution permissions)
HANDSET_ADMINISTRATOR Access to devices tab - adding, disconnecting devices, video tuning, etc....
HANDSET_VIEWER Access to the Dashboard application
QTP Access to the Perfecto Lab from UFT/QTP
ECLIPSE Access to the Perfecto Lab from Eclipse plugin
MSVSO Access to the Perfecto Lab from Visual Studio plugin
SPRINTER Access to the Perfecto Lab from Sprinter integration
STATUS_VISIBILITY Visibility of users who are using or have reserved particular devices.
USER_ADMINISTRATOR Provides access to manage users in the Users Tab
ADMINISTRATOR An administrator role
DESKTOP_WEB Allows user access to desktop-web devices
PRODUCTION_MONITORING User (and device) role for production monitoring
RESERVATION_ADMINISTRATOR A reservation administrator role
SELF_REGISTERED Automatically assigned to user who registered online
STATUS_VISIBILITY Enable users (usually in private labs) to see detailed handset status (for devices in their user group) in select-device dialog
STATUS_FULL_VISIBILITY Same as above across all user groups
USAGE_REPORT Allows viewing usage reports
WIZARD Grant access to wizard activities

To enable licenses for the required roles, contact your Accounts Manager.

Custom Roles

Custom roles are assigned to dedicated devices. Your group may have one or more customer roles and you can assign specific devices to specific users. To set up customer roles please contact support.


Group members can collaborate, share media and scripts which are stored in their own private group repository.

Group Repository

When a new group is added, a repository is automatically created for that group.

Group Organization

Each role in an organization requires a user administrator. The administrator is assigned all the roles that the group requires. The role of the group administrator includes:

  • Managing, creating, and deleting group members
  • Assigning roles to group members - ie: device administration, reservations, reports, etc...

Adding and editing groups is the exclusive responsibility of Perfecto Mobile Support or Company Administrator.