Release 20.1

Application management

Under Manual Testing, view a list of apps installed on the open device, search for apps, run and stop apps, and uninstall apps.

For each installed app, the Applications dialog box now lists an icon along with the application name, version, and installation date. Move the pointer over an app row to see the start, stop, and delete buttons. Watch this short video to see how.

Change password option

Change the password from the user menu. Watch this short video to see how.

Important: Do not use this option in SSO-enabled clouds.

Restart device confirmation

Confirm the device restart or cancel the action if needed. Watch this short video to see how.

Browser support

Added support for Chromium-based Microsoft Edge 79. See also Supported platforms.

Platform support

Added support for Appium 1.16 on iOS and Android devices.

Restriction: On iOS devices, Appium server 1.16 does not support the getSettings API.