Global variables
Global variables are variables that are available project-wide in all fields that accept variables, without the need to specifically generate them. Scriptless Web supports the following types of global variables:
System-defined: Built-in, default variables that return execution-based or account-based information. Execution-based variables change their value depending on the setup for the specific test run, such as environment URL, OS, browser, and device. Account-based variables are static for the current account, such as the org ID, project ID, and tenant ID.
User-defined: Custom variables that you can add and edit as needed. They become available for use in the whole project.
The Global Variables tab lists all system- and user-defined variables and lets you add new variables.
To add a new variable:
- In the Assets view, in the left pane, click Global Variables.
- On the right, click Add Variable.
- In the Create a variable dialog box, enter a variable name and value.
- Click CREATE.
To edit a user-defined variable:
In the table that lists user-defined variables, move the pointer over the row of the variable you want to edit and click the pencil icon on the right.
In the Update a variable dialog box, edit the name or value as needed.
To delete a user-defined variable:
In the table that lists user-defined variables, move the pointer over the row of the variable you want to delete and click the delete icon on the right.
A message appears to confirm that the variable has been deleted successfully.