File assets
When you run tests in a remote session, you cannot browse to files on your local machine, but you can access files that you have previously uploaded to Scriptless Web. When you upload a file to Scriptless Web, it is added in two locations at once: the Scriptless Web elastic file system (EFS) and the Perfecto repository. If you accidentally delete the file from the repository, Scriptless Web uploads it again to the repository at runtime.
Learn how to upload a file and then use it in your test.
To add a file asset:
- In the Assets view, in the left pane, click File Assets.
- On the right, click Add File.
- In the Create a file dialog box, provide the file name and, optionally, a description of up to 100 characters.
- Click Upload file assets, browse to the file you want to upload, and click Open.
- Click CREATE.
To use a file asset in a test step:
- Open your test in the canvas, in Basic Mode.
- Add a new step and select User Action > Choose file asset.
- In the Add Flow Elementform, enter a name for the file upload and click ADD.
- To the right of the new test step, from the Select an asset list, select the file you uploaded earlier.
- Run your test. It will halt at the step you just added because the binding to the UI element is still missing.
- When prompted, locate and click the upload button on the browser screen to bind the element.
To edit a file asset:
Hover over a file and click Edit
In the Update a file dialog box, provide the file name and, optionally, a description of up to 100 characters.
Click Upload file assets, browse to the file you want to upload, and click Open.
To delete a file asset:
Hover over a file asset and click Delete