Cloud SMScommand

Sends an SMS message to the selected destination. It is possible to select multiple destinations that may include devices, users, and phones. There is no default. To use this command, at least one destination must be selected.

When specifying a device via the to.handset parameter, verify that the device has a SIM card, which is required for sending SMS.

When specifying a number via the to.number parameter, replace the '+' character with %2B in the sent string.


Name Type Possible values Description

Message body



The message text for this command.

Destination device



The destination device. It is possible to select multiple devices (separated by commas).

Destination user



The destination user. It is possible to select multiple users. The user identifier is the Perfecto username. The user must be registered with the correct mobile number. The business number field does not apply.

Destination special



The user currently running the script.

Destination phone



The destination phone number. It is possible to provide multiple phone numbers.

Format:  +[country code][area code][phone number]

For example:  +17812054111




Adds a comment to the script

On-fail Result*


Ignore | Break | Continue | Abort | Catch

The behavior when the command fails.

* Mandatory