Get network settings command

Returns the status of the network setting specified: wifi, data (only for devices with a valid SIM card installed), and/or airplane-mode. Can insert the retrieved value into a defined variable. Use the Property parameter to specify the network setting to retrieve.

This command is supported for both Android and iOS devices.

Important: If Airplane Mode is turned on, Data will be disabled.

For an alternative solution, see Create, execute, and schedule maintenance scripts (Perfecto IDE alternative).


Name Type Possible values Description

Device ID*



The device for this command. By default, this is the device under test (DUT).


WiFi | Data | Airplane Mode


The network setting property to be retrieved

Result variable



The variable to receive the selected device location.




Adds a comment to the script.

On-fail Result*


Ignore | Break | Continue | Abort | Catch

The behavior when the command fails.

* Mandatory