Get timer command

Retrieves the value of the timer specified by the timerId parameter. When working with Scriptless Mobile or using the API, the value is retrieved into a defined variable. There is no need to stop the timer to use the Get timer command.


Name Type Possible values Description

Timer ID*


Script | TimerA | TimerB | TimerC

The unique timer identifier that was used to start the timer.

Enter a timer identifier that was used in the Timer start command, or select Script to get the time passed from the beginning of the script.

Timer type*


Elapsed | Device | UX | System

The selected timer type, where: 

  • Elapsed records the elapsed time (no segmentation)

  • Device records the device work time

  • UX records the user experience time

  • System records the system activity

Result variable



The variable to receive the timer result.

Time units


Seconds | Milliseconds The time units.




Adds a comment to the script.

On-fail Result*


Ignore | Break | Continue | Abort | Catch

The behavior when the command fails.

* Mandatory