Recover device command

Recovers a connected device that is unresponsive, such as a device with an interrupted video, black screen, or touch failure.

The device will not be rebooted; it will be disconnected, reconnected to the Perfecto data center, and returned unlocked. To reboot the device, use the Reboot device function.

Recovery will take a few minutes to complete. Use this function at the end of your script instance of the device in error. This is useful for your next run.

Important: Devices continuously in error state should be checked. In such cases, contact your Perfecto system administrator for support.
Restriction: When using this command in Automation scripts, the execution report video may not be available.


Name Type Possible values Description

Device ID*



The device for this command. By default, this is the device under test (DUT).




Adds a comment to the script

On-fail Result*


Ignore | Break | Continue | Abort | Catch

The behavior when the command fails.

* Mandatory