Stop vitals command

Ends the collection of device vitals. The collected information is saved as a CSV file in the repository. Once script execution is complete, the CSV file is available for download from the Single Test Report.

If the script contains several start/stop pairs for the same device, there will be a single CSV file for the device, provided the device remains open. Numerous open/close device actions in the scrip will result in several CSV files. In other words, a CSV file is generated per device closure.

If the data collection frequency interval, defined by the Vitals start function, is shorter than the script runtime, no CSV file is created.

CSV file naming convention: The CSV file is created once the script is completed or the device has been closed. The naming convention includes the device IMEI and timestamp representing the time the script was completed.


Name Type Possible values Description

Device ID*



The device for this command. By default, this is the device under test (DUT).




Adds a comment to the script

On-fail Result*


Ignore | Break | Continue | Abort | Catch

The behavior when the command fails.

* Mandatory