Text to audio command

Accepts either a text file or text string and returns an audio file. The function can be configured to produce the audio with a male or female voice and supports several languages.

Important: This functionality is part of the Advanced Audio Package, a separate license that provides access to tools for testing a device's audio quality. For more information, contact your Perfecto account representative.


Name Type Possible values Description

Audio repository key*



The full repository path, including directory and file name, of the audio file.

When using commands that utilize files from the repository, the paths to the files are specified as repository keys. A repository key consists of the subarea and the path to the file.

For example, to specify a file called myImage.jpg stored in the images folder located in the PRIVATE subarea, specify the key as PRIVATE:images/myImage.jpg.

You can select a file that already resides in the Perfecto repository or select a file from your computer that is then uploaded to the Perfecto repository. To learn more about the Perfecto repository, see Manage the repository. Click the Select media link, browse to the file, and then click SELECT.

Example: Public:2364030/db7575532d124db0b67e476a52e98736.js



  The text string to convert to audio

Text file key



The full repository path, including directory and file name, of the text file. You can select a file that already resides in the Perfecto repository or select a file from your computer that is then uploaded to the Perfecto repository. To learn more about the Perfecto repository, see Manage the repository. Click the Select media link, browse to the file, and then click SELECT.

Example: Public:2364030/db7575532d124db0b67e476a52e98736.js



US English | UK English | Spanish | Japanese | French | German | Portuguese | Italian

The supported audio file languages.



Male | Female

Indicates the gender of the voice to use in the audio result file




Adds a comment to the script

On-fail Result*


Ignore | Break | Continue | Abort | Catch

The behavior when the command fails

* Mandatory