Jenkins plugin

The Perfecto Jenkins plugin provides the ability to auto-create or re-use an existing Perfecto Connect tunnel ID in the build environment.

Important: As of May 24, 2024, the Perfecto Jenkins plugin will be deprecated. Current plugin installations will continue to work, but going forward, Perfecto will no longer provide bug fixes and maintenance services for this plugin. As an alternative, you can create a Jenkins pipeline with Perfecto Connect. To learn more, see Jenkins plugin > Step-by-step instructions > 4 | Work with Advanced usage scenarios > Create a Perfecto Connect pipeline.


Before you enable the plugin, make sure you:

  • Download the Perfecto Connect client and extract it to any folder.
  • Generate a Perfecto security token (if you do not have one already).
  • Install Jenkins via brew if you are a Mac user.
  • Perform the following steps as an administrator of the Jenkins environment:
    1. In Jenkins, in the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins view, select the Available tab.

    2. In the search field, enter perfecto to search for the Perfecto plugin. 

    3. To the left of the Perfecto plugin, select the checkbox. Then click Install without restart.

Step-by-step instructions

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Jenkins. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Jenkins, see

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