Upload item to repository with REST API via VBScript

According to the REST API documentation for this action, it is needed to pass the file to upload via HTTP POST request: Legacy | Upload Item to Repository

Here is an exmple of how to achieve this via VBScript.



mcm = "https://<myCloud>.perfectomobile.com/"securityToken = "<mySecurityToken>"repositoryType = "media/"repositoryItemKey = "PRIVATE:apps/Sample.ipa"url = mcm & "services/repositories/" & repositoryType & repositoryItemKey & "?operation=upload"url = url & "&securityToken=" & securityToken

file = "<path\to>\Sample.ipa"set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
stream.Mode = 3
stream.Type = 1

stream.LoadFromFile file

request = stream.Read


set HTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") 
HTTP.setOption 2, 13056 
HTTP.open "POST", url, false
HTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"HTTP.send request

response = HTTP.responseText 
wscript.echo response 

set HTTP = nothing 
set stream = nothing


Replace <myCloud> and <mySecurityToken> with the corresponding values;

Change 'repositoryType' and 'repositoryItemKey' parameter values according to your needs. Possible values please see here: Legacy | Repository Operations;

Update the 'file' string with the path to your file for upload;

If needed to add more parameters to the REST API operation as per Legacy | Upload Item to Repository, append it to 'url' string in the form:

url = url & "&<parameter>=" & "<value>"

where you need to replace the <parameter> and <value> accordingly