Define capabilities

The following tables provide the capabilities supported by Perfecto for automation using Selenium and Appium.

For more information, see Supported Appium capabilities.

Perfecto credentials

Capability name Description


User's personal security token (recommended to use as authentication).

Capabilities for selecting a mobile device

Define the capabilities to select a device in the Perfecto Lab according to device attributes (instead of a specific device ID) and define the Lab credentials.

You can still select a specific device using the deviceName capability.

Tip: Use auto-generated capabilities as the basis for selecting either mobile or web devices.
Capability name Description Values/examples


The deviceId

For example: 345304573489573498


The platform type

Web, Mobile


The device description


The device location

For Example: NA-US-BOS



For example: Apple, Samsung, HTC, Microsoft


The device model.

For example: iPhone-5S, Galaxy S III, Xperia Z, 9100, HTC One


The device network

For example: AT&T, Verizon


The timeout, in minutes, to wait for a specific device in case it is not available at the start of the script (use with caution)

Max: 9 minutes


The device operating system

For example: Android, Windows, iOS


The device operating system version

For example: 9.3.1


The resolution of the device screen

For example: 1920x1080


Type of image

.jpg (default), .png, .bmp


Device automation infrastructure of the mobile

For example: XCUITest, UIAutomation (for iOS), UIAutomator1, UIAutomator2 (for Android)


Determine if device playback audio should be added to the video recording of the execution or not

true, false. Default is false

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities("mobileChrome", "", Platform.ANY);
String host = "";
capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "4.4");
capabilities.setCapability("user", "myUser");
capabilities.setCapability("securityToken", "myToken");
URL url = new URL("https://" + host + "/nexperience/perfectomobile/wd/hub");
RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(url, capabilities);

Auto-selection of leading devices

The limitation in using a specific device is that sometimes the device may be busy running a different script or may be disabled. The better option for scripts running automatically is to supply the necessary device characteristics and let Perfecto automatically select the device from the available devices. When the test script does not define a specific device, Perfecto selects a leading device for testing. This is the default configuration in public cloud instances. For private clouds,  Perfecto Support can configure leading devices upon request.

The leading devices feature ensures that your tests always run again the most relevant, stable, popular devices with the highest possible OS version. If a leading device is not available, Perfecto selects the device with the highest OS version instead. In particular, Perfecto selects devices based on the following guidelines:

  1. If model or manufacturer are selected, but no platformVersion is selected, Perfecto sets the platformVersion to latest.
  2. If model and manufacturer are not selected and the Leading Device feature is enabled, Perfecto selects one of the leading devices with the highest OS version available.
  3. In either case, if the platformVersion is not selected, Perfecto selects the highest available OS version. Prior to this enhancement, the OS selection was random.
  4. If model is set to leading, Perfecto selects a random leading device with the highest OS version available. If a leading device is not available, the allocation fails.
  5. If model is not selected, Perfecto selects a random leading device with the highest OS version available. If a leading device is not available, Perfecto selects a random device with the highest OS version available.

If you are an automation engineer, this means that when you use the Select device command to select a device based on attributes, you can:

  • Set the model capability to leading to have the script test one of the leading devices. For example:

    capabilities.setCapability(”model", ”leading”);
  • Set the platformVersion capability to Latest to make sure the script tests the latest OS version. For example:

    capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "Latest”);

The following table lists examples.

Capabilities specified Situation Result


A leading Android device is available.

A random leading Android device is selected.


A leading Android device is not available.

A random Android device is selected.

platformName=Android, model=leadingg

A leading Android device is available.

A random leading Android device is selected.

platformName=android, model=leading

A leading Android device is not available.

Allocation fails.

model=Samsung Galaxy S10

Samsung Galaxy S10 is available.

The specific device is allocated.

model=Samsung Galaxy S10

Samsung Galaxy S10 is NOT available.

Allocation fails.

model=Samsung galaxy S10, platformName=iOS

Samsung Galaxy S10 is available.

Allocation fails.

model=Samsung galaxy S10, platformName=UK

There is a Samsung Galaxy S10 in Boston, but not in the UK.

Allocation fails.

For the public cloud, the following devices are currently defined as leading devices. 

Android iOS

Galaxy S10

iPhone 8

Galaxy S10+

iPhone 8 Plus

Galaxy S10e

iPhone X

Galaxy S9

iPhone XS

Galaxy S9+

iPhone XS Max

Galaxy S8

iPhone XR

Galaxy S8 Plus

Pixel 3

Pixel 3 XL

Mobile browser

Capability name




Browser application name

chrome, mobileChrome, safari, mobileSafari, mobileOS, mobileDefault


Browser version

for example: 53, 49



Regular expressions

You can use regular expressions including wildcards. The capability values are case sensitive.

  • OR: For example, "ATaT|T-Mob" for network means either ATaT (for AT&T) or a network beginning with 'T-Mob'.
  • NOT: For example, "(?!(Amazon|Apple)).*" for manufacturer means neither Amazon nor Apple.
  • contains: For example, ".*Galaxy.* for model means the model contains the string 'Galaxy' and would match any of {Galaxy S6, Galaxy S9, Galaxy 8+}.

Capabilities for development

Capability name



The Eclipse execution id


Name used as the Report Name for the Report Library and Live Stream interfaces (see also the Smart Reporting capabilities below)

Click here for a breakdown of supported Appium capabilities.

Capabilities for Desktop Web testing

Learn which capabilities you can use to configure the web machine and web application you want to run.

Web machine configuration capabilities

Set the capabilities to define the machine to be used for your Web app testing. Note that Windows machines are VMs.

Capability name Description Values Comments


Add custom records to the VM's hosts file. (See Note3 below.)

<key, value> entry, where

  • Key is the IP-address
  • Value is DNS hostname to add to the file


The browser running on VM.

Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari.


The browser version.

See here for supported browser versions.

The browserVersion capability supports the following values in addition to a version number:

  • latest: This will always run the latest supported version for the selected browser.
  • latest-1: This will run the version previous to the latest version supported.
  • latest-2: This will run a version two previous to the latest version supported.
  • beta: This will always run the latest beta-testing version for the selected browser.

These values will be translated to the appropriate version number and will be listed in the execution report with the version number.

When running a Safari session, you must specify the version number in the browserVersion capability. Including latest as the version number may result in an error.


The platform type

Web, Mobile.


The list of web certificates to be installed

To learn how to install certificates manually and for information on error codes, see Manage Windows web certificates.

File names, separated by comma, with the following file extensions: .crt, .cer, .pem



Location of Perfecto Web machine facility, when using a virtual web platform.

When accessing physical Mac devices use same values as for Mobile selection (See Note2 below)

US East, EU Germany, AP Sydney.

The location capability is optional when platformName capability is Windows but mandatory when platformName is Mac.


The VM OS.

Windows, Mac.


The OS version.

See list of supported versions.


The VM display resolution.

1024x768 (default) See here for complete list of supported resolutions.


Version of the Selenium server to configure.

Windows 10 and 11: 3.4.0, 3.8.1

Default: A Selenium 4.x version that the system selects depending on whether the request has been submitted in a valid W3C syntax.


Upload a file from the Perfecto repository to the virtual machine. Perfecto then downloads the file to the following location on the Mac or virtual Windows machine:

Windows: C://Temp//

Mac: /tmp/

The location of the uploaded file is returned as part of the return capability uploadedFileLocation.

This functionality is also available through the Perfecto extension perfecto:file:upload.


To use this capability, add it to your test scripts as follows, where fileLocation is the location of the file in the Perfecto repository.

Tip: For information on retrieving the file location, see Manage the repository > View, copy, or update file information.


DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities("mobileChrome", "", Platform.ANY);
String host = "";
capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Windows");
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "10");
capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "Chrome");
capabilities.setCapability("browserVersion", "latest");
capabilities.setCapability("resolution", "1366x768");
capabilities.setCapability("location", "US East");
capabilities.setCapability("seleniumVersion", "3.8.1");
capabilities.setCapability("installCertificates", List.of("c1.pem","c2.crt"));
URL url = new URL("https://" + host + "/nexperience/perfectomobile/wd/hub/fast");
RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(url, capabilities);

Before setting the capability value, set up the records to add to the hosts file as a dictionary. The following examples would generate the following lines in the VM's hosts file:

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost
#    ::1             localhost
ip1   url1
ip2   url2

Java example

Map<String, String> hostsRecords = new HashMap<>();
hostsRecords.put("ip1", "url1");
hostsRecords.put("ip2", "url2");

capabilities.setCapability("addHostsRecord", hostsRecords);

JavaScript example

var hostsRecords={};
hostsRecords ["ip1"]="host1";
hostsRecords ["ip2"]="host2";

var capabilities = {
    'addHostsRecord': hostsRecords,

Web application capabilities

Capability name Description Possible values Default value


System takes screenshots of application at different points during execution and attaches them to the execution report.

true | false



System takes screenshot of application at point where an error status is reported. Screenshot is attached to the execution report.

true | false


Taking screenshots affects the execution time of the desktop web test. Screenshot capabilities support Selenium commands (not, for example, Visual Analysis or Assert).



capabilities.setCapability("takesScreenshot", true);
capabilities.setCapability("screenshotOnError", false);

General capabilities

Capability name Description Value


Adds the option to wait for an available license when all licenses are in use. In this case, Perfecto displays the following error message:

EE-500-0001 - Max number of sessions reached. To add auto wait timeout of up to 15 minutes, use the "'waitForAvailableLicense': true" capability


Usage example

capabilities.setCapability("waitForAvailableLicense", true);

Boolean (default: false)

Smart Reporting capabilities

Test analysis with Smart Reporting uses different test identifying parameters as flags associated with the test reports. These identifying items are used to filter, select, or just to easily identify the test report. These values may be associated to the test using the reporting SDK or alternatively using the following DesiredCapability fields:

Capability name Description Values


Identifier of the test run project name



Version number associated with the project



CI Job name for this test



CI Job number for this test



Name of test branch, if relevant



Any tags user associated with this test

Strings, separated by a comma (',')


Any set of custom parameters to associate with the test run

Strings in the format key=value,key=value...

Any values for the project or job information will be overwritten by settings using the SDK. Values provided for the tags and customFields will be merged, with priority given to values set by the SDK. See also scriptName capability above.



String browserName = "mobileOS";
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(browserName, "", Platform.ANY );
String host = perfectoLabURL;
capabilities.setCapability("securityToken", myToken);
capabilities.setCapability("report.projectName", "test_fail_to_open");
capabilities.setCapability("report.projectVersion", "2.0");
capabilities.setCapability("report.tags", "spring,forward,tag1");
capabilities.setCapability("report.jobName", "myTestJob");
capabilities.setCapability("report.jobNumber", 8);
capabilities.setCapability("report.jobBranch", "master");
capabilities.setCapability("report.customFields", "cc=custom,mm=fewer");

Perfecto and video

Faster test execution performance with the option to specify whether a report or video will be created during script execution. This means more tests can be run per hour.

Capability name Description Values


The test execution output video



capabilities.setCapability("outputVideo", false);

Supported Appium capabilities

Learn more on Appium specific supported capabilities here.

Also in this section