Legacy | Device setup

  • Command: device

  • Subcommand: setup

  • Supported Platforms: Native (legacy), UFT (legacy), Selenium, Appium

    All commands must be executed using the same framework. Sharing the execution ID between different frameworks is not possible. This means that if you work with a Selenium/Appium driver, you need to call the commands using the Selenium/Appium driver (or, in the case of Reporting commands, through the Reporting SDK that works with the driver) and not as part of a UFT test or another framework.

  • Supported OS: Android, iOS


Sets the environmental properties of the device. Available properties: Location, Orientation, Network and Background applications.

To use this command, you must specify a persona, either by defining a predefined persona or a repository key of a custom persona. Define the properties in the persona by using other parameters (Network profile, Location, Background applications, and Orientation). To set the device location, specify either the location address or latitude and longitude coordinates.


Name Value Default Description
deviceID*     The device for this command.

Georgia (Georgia)

Peter (Peter)

Ross (Ross)

Sam (Sam)

Sara (Sara)

Empty (Empty)

  The name of a pre-defined persona.

The repository key of a defined persona json file in the media repository.

Example: PRIVATE:Personas/MyPersona.json


portrait (Portrait)

landscape (Landscape)

none (None)

  The device screen rotation state.

2g_gprs_good (2G GPRS Good)

2g_gprs_average (2G GPRS Average)

2g_gprs_poor (2G GPRS Poor)

2g_edge_good (2G Edge Good)

2g_edge_average (2G Edge Average)

2g_edge_poor (2G Edge Poor)

3g_umts_good (3G UMTS Good)

3g_umts_average (3G UMTS Average)

3g_umts_poor (3G UMTS Poor)

3.5g_hspa_good (3.5G HSPA Good)

3.5g_hspa_average (3.5G HSPA Average)

3.5g_hspa_poor (3.5G HSPA Poor)

3.5g_hspa_plus_good (3.5G HSPA PLUS Good)

3.5g_hspa_plus_average (3.5G HSPA PLUS Average)

3.5g_hspa_plus_poor (3.5G HSPA PLUS Poor)

4g_lte_good (4G LTE Good)

4g_lte_average (4G LTE Average)

4g_lte_poor (4G LTE Poor)

4g_lte_advanced_good (4G LTE Advanced Good)

4g_lte_advanced_average (4G LTE Advanced Average)

4g_lte_advanced_poor (4G LTE Advanced Poor)

bandwidth_good (Bandwidth Good) none (None)


The virtual network profile.

Example: 4G LTE Advanced Good

Click here for more details on network conditions.


The address location of the device to set.

Format: Google Geocoding

Example: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA


The latitude and longitude coordinates of the device location to set.

Example: 43.642659,-79.387050


The list of applications to run in the background.

Example: American Airlines, Twitter, Outlook

* Mandatory parameter