Initiate network virtualization
On an open device, you can simulate application behavior in different network environments by initiating network virtualization. Scriptless Mobile offers a list of preset network conditions, or profiles, but you can also customize the conditions to match your requirements. For each available profile, the list shows the values for the following parameters, in this order:
- Network constant, which is the string constant representing the network profile
- Latency (in milliseconds)
- Bandwidth in/out (kilobits per second)
- Packet loss (%)
When the network virtualization takes effect, you can start testing the application with the new network conditions applied.
To learn how to initiate network virtualization in Scriptless Mobile, watch this video or review the instructions following the video.
To initiate network virtualization:
- In the widgets pane, click the Environment button
- On the Environment tab, click Network Virtualization.
In the Network Virtualization widget, do the following:
Specify a profile:
A preset profile.
A custom profile. Specify customized parameter values for latency, bandwidth in, bandwidth out, and packet loss.
To specify the testing method, select the required checkbox next to these options:
Execute the selected action on the device.
Add the selected action to the test.
(Optional)To reset the device network environment, click RESET.
Click APPLY.
When the network virtualization takes effect, a success message is displayed.
(Optional) To return to the Environment tab, at the top, click Back.