Release 19.15

Perfecto Connect

Perfecto Connect client 19.15.2 is now available. This latest client adds support for the doctor command to help you troubleshoot connection issues with Perfecto Connect. The command checks if the client can connect to Perfecto services and servers. In addition, you can now disable the auto-detection proxy using the -d command (--disable-proxy-detect), which is sometimes required for troubleshooting.

Consider making the download phase of the Perfecto Connect client part of your continuous integration process to ensure that you always use the latest version. 

For information on how to download and work with Perfecto Connect to test mobile and web apps that are in your private network and therefore not publicly accessible, see Perfecto Connect.

Put file command

The mobile:media:put command now supports copying files to other folders within iOS applications, in particular: Documents, Library, and tmp. This is available for both interactive and automation testing. For details, see Put file (FR).

Solved Issues

Perfecto resolved the following issues in this release:

  • NP-39330: Previously, Google Pixel devices with Android 10 would show a different Mac Address in the cloud than on the device. This issue was related to MAC randomization. It is now fixed. 
  • NP-39284: Added support for the Appium command mobile:viewportScreenshot. You can now use the command as follows: driver.executeScript("mobile:viewportScreenshot");The result is an image such as the following.

Product updates

Important: API Change (effective as of release 19.10): Because the API used to implement the IDE gesture command or the Perfecto extension mobile:touch:gesture for iOS has been deprecated, we have update its implementation to be based on a newer API. While the new API performs more accurately and consistently, in some cases, parameter values in existing scripts may trigger different behavior and may need to be updated.
Important: When working with any beta version of major OS versions, especially but not only developer betas that are not available as public betas, any testing done on the device may be affected by instabilities and bugs on the OS level. If you are interested in testing a beta version, contact Perfecto Support or your Customer Success Manager. Consider limiting beta testing to 1-2 devices.

Android support updates

Support for Android 10 GA with the below limitations:

  • A secure screen is not supported.

iOS support updates

Support for iOS and iPadOS 13 to 13.2.2 GA as well as 13.3 Beta with the following limitations:

  • Touch & MultiTouch Actions executed by coordinates may not be performed on specific device models when the app has been compiled with an old Xcode version (below 10).
  • On iPad devices running iOS 13.1.x, opening a keyboard from a text field causes incorrect dimensions of the root element to be returned when retrieving objects. This, in turn, causes objects in the Object Spy to display incorrectly when the device is in landscape mode. This issue affects the application even after the keyboard is closed. For objects to display correctly again, you must close the application using the Close app button and relaunch it.
  • Due to an iOS 13 issue, Perfecto Connect and NetEm functionalities are currently not supported on iOS 13 devices.

  • On new devices running iOS 13, applications built with older Xcode versions may return incorrect objects coordinates.