
To integrate your test with Perfecto Smart Reporting, you need to make the code changes described on this page. As a prerequisite, you need to download the Reporting SDK client for your programming languages and framework.

Mandatory changes

Mandatory changes include adding import statements and creating an instance of the reporting client.


Add the following import statements to the base test class:

import com.perfecto.reportium.client.ReportiumClient;
import com.perfecto.reportium.client.ReportiumClientFactory;
import com.perfecto.reportium.exception.ReportiumException;
import com.perfecto.reportium.model.PerfectoExecutionContext;
import com.perfecto.reportium.model.Project;
import com.perfecto.reportium.test.TestContext;
import com.perfecto.reportium.test.result.TestResultFactory;

Create an instance of the reporting client

Use the createPerfectoReportiumClient() method of the ReportiumClientFactory class to create the Smart Reporting ReportiumClient instance. The reporting client is responsible for gathering basic information about the test and transmit it to the Smart Reporting system.

Before creating the ReportiumClient, you should create the instance of the automation driver (either SeleniumDriver or one of the Appium drivers) and use a PerfectoExecutionContext to supply the link to the factory class creating the client instance. Use the withWebDriver() method to supply the link of the driver instance. The context supports all of the optional settings described below, in addition to supplying the driver link. Use the build() method to create the context object's instance and supply this to the createPerfectoReportiumClient() method when creating the ReportiumClient instance.

PerfectoExecutionContext perfectoExecutionContext = new PerfectoExecutionContext.PerfectoExecutionContextBuilder()
    .withProject(new Project("Sample Reportium project", "1.0"))
    .withJob(new Job("IOS tests", 45).withBranch("branch-name"))
    .withCustomFields(new CustomField("programmer", "Samson"))
ReportiumClient reportiumClient = new ReportiumClientFactory().createPerfectoReportiumClient(perfectoExecutionContext);
Important: Create the reporting client in proximity of the RemoteWebDriver creation.

Optional changes (highly recommended)

Add reporting tags

You can add tags in the form of freestyle text for filtering the reports in the Reporting app. The tags are added when the Reportium client is created. For example: .withContextTags("Regression")

Add CI job information

Job information is used to add your test runs to the CI Dashboard. Use the withJob() method of the PerfectoExecutionContext instance , supplying the Job Name and Job Number, when creating the ReportiumClient instance.

Add custom fields

Create new CustomField instances with the CustomField class constructor. Use the withCustomFields() method to add a collection of Custom Fields to either the PerfectoExecutionContext instance, to the specific TestContext instance (either at start or end of test) as shown below.

Start a new test

public void myTest() {
reportiumClient.testStart("myTest", new TestContext.Builder()
                                        .withTestExecutionTags("Sanity", "Nightly")
                                        .withCustomFields(new CustomField("version", "OS11"))

Add test steps

Separate your test into logical groupings of actions as logical steps. Each step is labeled and appears in the Execution Report together with the component actions. When implementing the test, indicate the beginning of the logical step with the stepStart() method, providing the label of the step, and (optionally) the stepEnd() method to indicate the end of the logical step (for the report). The stepEnd() method supports an optional message parameter.

public void myTest() {
reportiumClient.testStart("myTest", new TestContext("Sanity"));

//test step - login to app
reportiumClient.stepStart("Login to application");
WebElement username = driver.findElement("username"));
reportiumClient.stepEnd();  // the message parameter is optional

//test step - open a premium acct
reportiumClient.stepStart("Open a premium account");
WebElement premiumAccount = driver.findElement("premium-account"));
assertTrue(premiumAccount.getText(), "PREMIUM");;
reportiumClient.stepEnd("Finished step");

 reportiumClient.stepStart("Transfer funds");

Add assertions to the execution report

At various points within a test execution, the script may perform verification of different test conditions. The result of these verifications may be added to the Test Report by using the reportiumAssert() method of the ReportiumClient instance. When using this method, the script includes two parameters:

  • A message string that labels the assertion

  • A boolean value that indicates the result of the verification operation

//test step - open a premium acct
reportiumClient.stepStart("Open a premium account");
WebElement premiumAccount = driver.findElement("premium-account"));
if (premiumAccount.getText().compareToIgnoreCase("premium") {
    reportiumClient.reportiumAssert("Check for Premium account", true);;
} else {
    reportiumClient.reportiumAssert("Check for Premium account", false);

Stop the test

When the test is completed, supply an indication of the final outcome of the test by generating a TestResult instance. The TestResultFactory class supports the following methods:

  • createSuccess method: Notifies the reporting server that the test resulted in a successful status

  • createFailure method: Notifies the reporting server that the test resulted in an unsuccessful status and supports adding a notification message that is displayed in the test report

    You can also provide a failure reason or depend on the Smart Reporting analysis to identify the failure reason.

public void myTest() {
       String failR = "Element not found";

       reportiumClient.testStart("myTest", new TestContext("Sanity"));

       try {
              reportiumClient.stepStart("Login to application");
              WebElement username = driver.findElement("username"));

              reportiumClient.stepStart("Open a premium account");
              WebElement premiumAccount = driver.findElement("premium-account"));
              assertTrue(premiumAccount.getText(), "PREMIUM");
              reportiumClient.stepEnd("Finished step");

              reportiumClient.stepStart("Transfer funds");
              //stopping the test - success
       } catch (Throwable t) {
              //stopping the test - failure
              reportiumClient.testStop(TestResultFactory.createFailure(t.getMessage(), t, failR));

In addition to providing the status of the test result, it is possible to provide additional tags and custom fields to the test. This may be used, for example, to add indications of the paths that caused the result or the reason for stopping the test. Use the TestContext to add additional tags and custom fields:

String testStopTag = "Failure reason test";
CustomField testStopCustomField = new CustomField("source", "sdk");
//Code for the test end checking
//stopping the test - failure
TestContext testContextEnd = new TestContext.Builder()
reportiumClient.testStop(TestResultFactory.createFailure(expectedFailureMessage, new RuntimeException(eMessage), failReason), testContextEnd);

Adding the TestContext to the testStop is optional.

Get the report URL

String reportURL = reportiumClient.getReportUrl();
System.out.println("Report URL - " + reportURL);

Single report for multiple executions

There is an option to You can create a reporting client for multiple drivers. This will result in a single execution report that combines all drivers driver executions and will result in a unified report that will contain contains all executions as a single merged execution.

Restriction: This functionality is only available for multiple mobile device executions.

This type of flow is for scenarios where you want to create a unified execution to multiple drivers flows. For example: One driver that corresponds to a taxi driver that receives requests from passengers and one driver that corresponds to the passenger that asks for a taxi.

Use the ReportiumClientFactory class createPerfectoReportiumClient() method to create the Smart Reporting ReportiumClient instance. The reporting client is responsible to gather basic information about the test and transmit it to the Smart Reporting system.

Before creating the ReportiumClient, you should create the instance of the automation driver (either SeleniumDriver or one of the Appium drivers), and use a PerfectoExecutionContext to supply the link to the factory class creating the client instance. Use the withWebDriver() method multiple times to supply the link of the drivers instances and their aliases (optional). The context supports all of the optional settings described below, in addition to supplying the driver links. Use the build() method to create the context object's instance and supply this to the createPerfectoReportiumClient() method when creating the ReportiumClient instance.

PerfectoExecutionContext perfectoExecutionContext = new PerfectoExecutionContext.PerfectoExecutionContextBuilder()
    .withProject(new Project("Sample Reportium project", "1.0"))
    .withJob(new Job("IOS tests", 45).withBranch("branch-name"))
    .withCustomFields(new CustomField("programmer", "Samson"))
    .withWebDriver(driver1, "Alias1")
    .withWebDriver(driver2, "Alias2")
    .withWebDriver(driver3, "Alias3")
ReportiumClient reportiumClient = new ReportiumClientFactory().createPerfectoReportiumClient(perfectoExecutionContext);

GitHub samples

Browse the Perfecto GitHub repo for complete Java Reporting samples.


Click here for the complete JavaDoc reporting documentation.